
The Beekeeper's Quilt

September always makes me feel miserable. I am a summer person and it is such a long, long time until next summer! The long slow slide into ever darker, shorter days from September to Christmas is the bit I hate the most, so I always spend September getting lots of projects started to keep me going until the spring.

This one is The Beekeeper's Quilt by tiny owl knits.

I have made one modification - I am not stuffing the honeycombs and will sew them together all the way around to make a double sided blanket.

I am using Noro Kureyon sock yarn. For non-Japanese speakers Kureyon is the Japanese version of the English word 'crayon' retransliterated into English. (No equivalent of the letter c in Japanese and every consonant except final n has to be followed by a vowel.) As the yarn is a thick and thin I should not like to use it for socks, but I thought it was perfect for this.

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