
Scanning my albums

Yesterday I finally worked out how to scan stuff into my computer!

This will be a big help as I have volumes of  old-fashioned photographs of my work. Although we now have a digital camera, there are pieces of work that have been given away and other pieces, especially things like cushions, that wore out long ago and are just not there to be rephotographed.

This is a page from one of my albums. The top picture is the wedding sampler I worked for myself in 1981 when we were married. It was an American kit which I bought on a trip to Tokyo from northern Japan where we were living at the time. I altered my husband's hair colour to a more natural shade and added a lace collar I had bought to the bridal dress.

 The other picture was another American kit, 'A home should be clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy'. I think this was my rebellion against the influence of my mother-in-law, who believed that a kitchen floor should be scrubbed three times daily and that a vacuum cleaner didn't do nearly as good a job as a brush and pan used on one's knees!

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